
  • 工作经验
    • 不限
    • 应届生
    • 在读生
    • 1-3年
    • 3-5年
    • 5-10年
    • 10年以上
  • 月薪范围
    • 不限
    • 2000以下
    • 2001~3000
    • 3001~5000
    • 5001~8000
    • 8001~10000
    • 10001~15000
    • 15001~20000
    • 20001~30000
    • 30000以上
  • 学历
    • 不限
    • 初中及以下
    • 高中
    • 中专
    • 大专
    • 本科
    • 硕士
    • 博士
    • 博士后
  • 性别
    • 不限
  • 工作性质
    • 不限
    • 全职
    • 实习
  • 公司性质
    • 不限
    • 外商独资企业
    • 中外合营/合资/合作
    • 跨国企业
    • 私营/民营企业
    • 国有企业
    • 股份制企业
    • 上市公司
    • 政府机关/非盈利机构
    • 事业单位
    • 其他
  • 公司规模
    • 不限
    • 少于50人
    • 50-200人
    • 200-500人
    • 500-1000人
    • 1000人以上
  • 福利
    • 确定



呈现方式: 列表 详细
    • 酒吧营销
    • 面议 经验不限 学历不限
    • 椒江区
    • 2017-10-25
    • 酒吧营销经理(可兼职)
    • 2000~4000 经验不限 学历不限
    • 台州市五泰贸易有限公司
      • 台州市五泰贸易有限公司

      • 更新时间:2019-07-03
      • 行业:贸易、商务、进出口
      • 规模:少于50人
      • 注资:100万人民币
      • 性质:股份制企业

      台州市五泰贸易有限公司,是一家以科、工、贸为一体的综合性企业,是以服务大众为本的服务业企业。公司集合各行业专业人才,通过环环相扣的资源整合平台,结合“办公托管”模式、“后勤物联”模式和“后勤整合”模式,专门为每一个客户量身定做其企业后勤服务方案。 作为台州首家以“办公托管”为主体概念,专注于解决各行业后勤管理的服务商。我们根据每个企业自身的特色和需求制定其合理的后勤管理方案,组建专业的服务小组及技术人员,提供全方位的管家式服务。项目内容包括办公用品、物业园林、商务礼品、餐饮、保险、金融等一系列后勤服务。公司以后勤理财专家为自我定位,以“解决您的后顾之忧”为核心的服务理念,公司将一直致力于为客户提供更效率、更全面、更优质、更节约的高品质服务。

    • 椒江区
    • 2019-07-03
    • 菲芘酒吧营销
    • 5000~8000 经验不限 学历不限
    • 椒江区,台州市,台州市
    • 2018-01-08
    • 椒江区
    • 2017-11-12
    • 急招酒店经理
    • 5000~8000 3-5年 大专
    • 佰仕代精品酒店
      • 佰仕代精品酒店

      • 更新时间:2021-02-20
      • 行业:旅游业、酒店
      • 规模:50-200人
      • 注资:1000万人民币
      • 性质:私营/民营企业


      Zhejiang Best Hotel Co. Ltd, a hotel company featuring hotel chains, was established with the capital injection from Hong Kong Best Hotel Investment Management Co. Ltd. This company is identified as a modern comprehensive Hotel which integrates star hotel, boutique hotel and business hotel, and is seen in many areas in China, for example, Shandong, Guangdong, Zhejiang and Hong Kong. Formerly established by the renowned entrepreneur Mr Hong Linghong, this investment company now has 7 subsidiaries with business involving various fields like technology, games, vehicles trade, clothing manufacturing, hotel and tourism. Based on the present, viewing the future, we Best staff will insist on a road in accord with national situation, keep innovating and hand in hand create a glorious future.



      Zhejiang Best Boutique Hotel is located in downtown Taizhou, with very convenient transportation available. The bus terminal is only 1.5 km away and railway station 20 km apart. It is 15 km eastward to Luqiao Airport, 10 km from the entrance to the freeway; 3km southward, there is the municipal government’s building as well as some places of interest; 2 km northward there is the high-capacity container wharf. Famous for giving birth to great men and being productive, Taizhou is one of the economically developed cities in Zhejiang. It has become an important city in Zhejiang with a combination of finance, trade and aquatic products’ import and export, a city which gathers foreign businessmen from all over the world to have business here. Zhejiang Best Boutique, with over 12 thousand square meters’ business area, has integrated room, restaurant, sauna in its service. Over 5 million dollars has been spent in decorating it into an elegant and grand hotel with unique appeal.

      The hotel has 15 floors in service. The ground floor integrates reception desk, business center, hall bar and SPA reception hall, and is the place for you to check in and out. The second floor is equipped with a grand network club, while the third floor serves as the dining department, equipped with luxury boxes and business seats, with local dishes and especially boutiq

    • 8小时工作制包吃包住
    • 椒江区
    • 2021-02-20
    • 营销经理
    • 3001~5000 1-3年 学历不限
    • 佰仕代精品酒店
      • 佰仕代精品酒店

      • 更新时间:2021-02-20
      • 行业:旅游业、酒店
      • 规模:50-200人
      • 注资:1000万人民币
      • 性质:私营/民营企业


      Zhejiang Best Hotel Co. Ltd, a hotel company featuring hotel chains, was established with the capital injection from Hong Kong Best Hotel Investment Management Co. Ltd. This company is identified as a modern comprehensive Hotel which integrates star hotel, boutique hotel and business hotel, and is seen in many areas in China, for example, Shandong, Guangdong, Zhejiang and Hong Kong. Formerly established by the renowned entrepreneur Mr Hong Linghong, this investment company now has 7 subsidiaries with business involving various fields like technology, games, vehicles trade, clothing manufacturing, hotel and tourism. Based on the present, viewing the future, we Best staff will insist on a road in accord with national situation, keep innovating and hand in hand create a glorious future.



      Zhejiang Best Boutique Hotel is located in downtown Taizhou, with very convenient transportation available. The bus terminal is only 1.5 km away and railway station 20 km apart. It is 15 km eastward to Luqiao Airport, 10 km from the entrance to the freeway; 3km southward, there is the municipal government’s building as well as some places of interest; 2 km northward there is the high-capacity container wharf. Famous for giving birth to great men and being productive, Taizhou is one of the economically developed cities in Zhejiang. It has become an important city in Zhejiang with a combination of finance, trade and aquatic products’ import and export, a city which gathers foreign businessmen from all over the world to have business here. Zhejiang Best Boutique, with over 12 thousand square meters’ business area, has integrated room, restaurant, sauna in its service. Over 5 million dollars has been spent in decorating it into an elegant and grand hotel with unique appeal.

      The hotel has 15 floors in service. The ground floor integrates reception desk, business center, hall bar and SPA reception hall, and is the place for you to check in and out. The second floor is equipped with a grand network club, while the third floor serves as the dining department, equipped with luxury boxes and business seats, with local dishes and especially boutiq

    • 椒江区
    • 2021-02-20
    • 酒店大堂副理
    • 1000~2000 经验不限 学历不限
    • 椒江区
    • 2020-01-03
    • 酒店前台主管
    • 3500~4500 经验不限 学历不限
    • 椒江区
    • 2020-01-03
    • 地产策划师/市场营销
    • 5000~10000 1-3年 大专
    • 椒江区
    • 2020-01-03
    • 一鼎酒店急招洗碗工
    • 3000~3500 经验不限 学历不限
    • 椒江区
    • 2020-01-03
    • 营销总监(工业地产)
    • 15000~30000 3-5年 大专
    • 椒江区
    • 2019-12-03
    • 营销经理
    • 5000~10000 经验不限 学历不限
    • 椒江区
    • 2019-11-26
    • 椒江区
    • 2019-11-13
    • 急招酒店网管
    • 3001~5000 1-3年 高中
    • 佰仕代精品酒店
      • 佰仕代精品酒店

      • 更新时间:2019-10-26
      • 行业:旅游业、酒店
      • 规模:50-200人
      • 注资:1000万人民币
      • 性质:私营/民营企业


      Zhejiang Best Hotel Co. Ltd, a hotel company featuring hotel chains, was established with the capital injection from Hong Kong Best Hotel Investment Management Co. Ltd. This company is identified as a modern comprehensive Hotel which integrates star hotel, boutique hotel and business hotel, and is seen in many areas in China, for example, Shandong, Guangdong, Zhejiang and Hong Kong. Formerly established by the renowned entrepreneur Mr Hong Linghong, this investment company now has 7 subsidiaries with business involving various fields like technology, games, vehicles trade, clothing manufacturing, hotel and tourism. Based on the present, viewing the future, we Best staff will insist on a road in accord with national situation, keep innovating and hand in hand create a glorious future.



      Zhejiang Best Boutique Hotel is located in downtown Taizhou, with very convenient transportation available. The bus terminal is only 1.5 km away and railway station 20 km apart. It is 15 km eastward to Luqiao Airport, 10 km from the entrance to the freeway; 3km southward, there is the municipal government’s building as well as some places of interest; 2 km northward there is the high-capacity container wharf. Famous for giving birth to great men and being productive, Taizhou is one of the economically developed cities in Zhejiang. It has become an important city in Zhejiang with a combination of finance, trade and aquatic products’ import and export, a city which gathers foreign businessmen from all over the world to have business here. Zhejiang Best Boutique, with over 12 thousand square meters’ business area, has integrated room, restaurant, sauna in its service. Over 5 million dollars has been spent in decorating it into an elegant and grand hotel with unique appeal.

      The hotel has 15 floors in service. The ground floor integrates reception desk, business center, hall bar and SPA reception hall, and is the place for you to check in and out. The second floor is equipped with a grand network club, while the third floor serves as the dining department, equipped with luxury boxes and business seats, with local dishes and especially boutiq

    • 包吃包住话费补助8小时工作制...
    • 椒江区
    • 2019-10-26
    • 餐饮/酒店管理
    • 4500~5500 1-3年 大专
    • 椒江区
    • 2019-09-18
    • 餐饮/酒店管理
    • 4500~5500 1-3年 大专
    • 椒江区
    • 2019-09-06
    • 酒店综合维修工(可兼职)
    • 3000~3500 1-3年 高中
    • 椒江区
    • 2019-09-06
    • 营销部经理(急聘)
    • 5000以上 经验不限 学历不限
    • plus大型酒吧
      • plus大型酒吧

      • 更新时间:2019-03-01
      • 行业:其他
      • 规模:200-500人
      • 注资:10000万人民币
      • 性质:私营/民营企业

      台州PLUS CLUB 位于台州市体育馆内,总面积6000平方,同时可容纳3000人次。
      PLUS CLUB 签约世界百大音乐厂牌达成战略合作,力求还原音乐节现场。请你准备好你的所有激情!把世界抛之脑后!

      欢迎来到PLUS CLUB !

    • 椒江区
    • 2019-03-01
    • 酒店店总
    • 8000~13000 经验不限 学历不限
    • 椒江区,台州市,台州市
    • 2018-12-14
    • 市场营销
    • 4000~8000 经验不限 学历不限
    • 椒江区,台州市,台州市
    • 2018-11-22
    • 营销区域经理
    • 3000~8000 经验不限 学历不限
    • 台州椒江奈斯泊雅酒店
      • 台州椒江奈斯泊雅酒店

      • 更新时间:2018-11-20
      • 行业:其他
      • 规模:50-200人
      • 注资:1000万人民币
      • 性质:私营/民营企业

      奈斯连锁酒店(Nice Hotels)由台州奈斯酒店管理有限公司投资,总部设于山海之城——浙江省台州市,集酒店投资、连锁经营为一体。公司以“Nice”做为服务品质特征,为海内外商旅人士提供具有高品味、环保健康的住宿系列产品。公司秉承以殷情的员工、舒适的环境、完善的设施、心动的价格,为宾客提供值得回味的商务旅程。现旗下拥有“精品主题”、“城市度假”两大系列产品。 公司诚邀热爱酒店事业的有志之士携手共进,我们将为您提供:高尚事业的舞台和体面生活的保障。具有竞争力的薪资和优厚的福利。现代化和国际化的快乐工作环境。“制度为基,以人为本”的管理理念。培训和发展计划、员工满意度等专业和卓越的人力资源管理。作为资深员工在奈斯连锁酒店内部的流动机会。Nice(美好亲切)、Comforting(舒适宜人)和Excellent(卓越发展)是我们冀望共同营造的环境!

    • 包吃包住话费补助全勤奖...
    • 椒江区
    • 2018-11-20
    • 酒店前台
    • 3000~5000 经验不限 学历不限
    • 椒江区,台州市,台州市
    • 2018-11-19
    • oyo酒店渠道销售(sales )
    • 7000~8000 经验不限 学历不限
    • 椒江区,台州市,台州市
    • 2018-11-14
    • oyo酒店工程项目经理
    • 6000~8000 经验不限 学历不限
    • 椒江区,台州市,台州市
    • 2018-11-03
    • 酒吧聘服务员零经验可入职
    • 5000~8000 经验不限 学历不限
    • 椒江区,台州市,台州市
    • 2018-10-22
    • 市场营销
    • 4000~8000 经验不限 学历不限
    • 椒江区,台州市,台州市
    • 2018-10-18
    • 酒吧服务员高收入可新手
    • 5000~8000 经验不限 学历不限
    • 椒江区,台州市,台州市
    • 2018-10-11
    • 酒店招聘客房服务员
    • 2800~5600 经验不限 学历不限
    • 椒江区,台州市,台州市
    • 2018-10-10
    • 酒店公关招聘
    • 20000~100 经验不限 学历不限
    • 椒江区,台州市,台州市
    • 2018-09-17
    • 市场营销
    • 4000~8000 经验不限 学历不限
    • 椒江区,台州市,台州市
    • 2018-09-07
    • 酒店运营经理
    • 6000~10000 经验不限 学历不限
    • 椒江区,台州市,台州市
    • 2018-09-06
    • 地产策划师/市场营销
    • 5000~10000 经验不限 学历不限
    • 椒江区,台州市,台州市
    • 2018-07-23
    • 台州耀达国际酒店招聘司机
    • 5000~8000 经验不限 学历不限
    • 椒江区,台州市,台州市
    • 2018-07-21
    • 台州黄岩耀达酒店
    • 5000~8000 经验不限 学历不限
    • 椒江区,台州市,台州市
    • 2018-07-17
    • 酒店各部门负责人
    • 4000~8000 经验不限 学历不限
    • 椒江区,台州市,台州市
    • 2018-07-11
    • 台州黄岩耀达酒店
    • 5000~8000 经验不限 学历不限
    • 椒江区,台州市,台州市
    • 2018-07-11
    • 台州耀达国际酒店招小车司机月八千以上
    • 5000~8000 经验不限 学历不限
    • 椒江区,台州市,台州市
    • 2018-07-02
    • 台州耀达国际酒店招聘司机
    • 5000~8000 经验不限 学历不限
    • 椒江区,台州市,台州市
    • 2018-07-01
    • 营销总监
    • 15000~20000 经验不限 学历不限
    • 椒江区,台州市,台州市
    • 2018-06-29
    • 台州城市主管
    • 4000~6000 经验不限 学历不限
    • 椒江区,台州市,台州市
    • 2018-06-21
    • 酒吧服务员
    • 3500~4500 经验不限 学历不限
    • 椒江区,台州市,台州市
    • 2018-06-13
    • 格林联盟酒店店长
    • 7000~8000 经验不限 学历不限
    • 椒江区,台州市,台州市
    • 2018-06-10
    • 酒店店长
    • 7000~8000 经验不限 学历不限
    • 椒江区,台州市,台州市
    • 2018-06-03
    • 博大酒业诚聘商超业务主管
    • 5000~8000 经验不限 学历不限
    • 椒江区,台州市,台州市
    • 2018-05-21
    • 博大酒业诚聘驾驶员
    • 3000~5000 经验不限 学历不限
    • 椒江区,台州市,台州市
    • 2018-05-21
    • 椒江区,台州市,台州市
    • 2018-05-20
    • 台州城市主管
    • 4000~6000 经验不限 学历不限
    • 椒江区,台州市,台州市
    • 2018-05-17
    • 汉庭酒店前台接待
    • 3000~5000 经验不限 学历不限
    • 椒江区,台州市,台州市
    • 2018-05-13
    • 酒店前台收银
    • 3000~5000 经验不限 学历不限
    • 椒江区,台州市,台州市
    • 2018-05-13
    • 酒店客房服务员
    • 3000~5000 经验不限 学历不限
    • 椒江区,台州市,台州市
    • 2018-05-13